

A Yeoman Generator for WebAppEngine. It includes Gulp, Browserify, Babelify, Stylus, Handlebars, i18next, and React.


Follow the steps to run the generator:

$ npm install -g yo
$ npm install -g generator-webappengine
$ yo webappengine

Once completed, you have to install NPM packages and Bower components, and run the gulp command to build your project.

$ npm install
$ bower install
$ gulp

Now you can run node app/main.js to launch your web app, or use webappengine to load app.js. For example:

 var webappengine = require('webappengine');
     port: 80,
     routes: [
             type: 'server',
             route: '/',
             server: '/path/to/your/project/app/app'